Monday, September 21, 2009

Daisy Troop Leader

Guess what I got roped into this weekend - becoming the troop leader for Sarah's Daisy troop. No one wanted to step up and be the leader so I said I would. The first meeting is this Friday night which doesn't give me much time to prepare but I'll just have to wing it. It's going to be another busy week.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Busy Week

It's been a very busy week. Tom's been out of town, again. Monday night was the only night Sarah and I were home at a decent hour. Tuesday night we had a fund raiser at Chuck E. Cheese and dinner with Mom and Bob. Wednesday night was Taekwondo and last night I had to run around and get things for our tailgate party at work today. On top of all the outings, Sarah had 12 pages of homework this week, so I had to make sure we did some each night. She's been great and loves school so it was really easy to get her to sit down and do it. Tom comes home tonight - yippee!!!! I miss him terribly and really don't like it when he has to travel, hopefully traveling is done for a few months.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

78 Years

Yesterday was Tom's Dad's 78th birthday. We took them to lunch at Red Lobster, his favorite restaurant. We had a nice visit. Tom's Dad birthday wish was for the Longhorns to win and they did. Sarah picked out a big birthday card for Grandpa.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

"Queen of No One"

Sarah has now decided that she would rather take showers than baths. WHY????? Isn't she too young to be taking showers? So I let her take a shower in our shower instead of her bathtub just because I thought it would be easier. I need to get some of the mat thingies to go on the bottom of her bathtub before she can take a shower in her bathroom. Oh, she also decided she wanted her hair wrapped in a towel. As soon as I put did it, she looked in the mirror and said, "I feel like a queen of no one." She had me laughing so hard with her expressions.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Daddy's Got a New Car

Our labor day weekend was spent car shopping. I can't stand shopping for cars and the games the sales men play.

Tom's car was 9 years old and we just paid off mine so it was time for a new car. Here's a picture of Tom with his old car. It was a 2000 Grand Prix, with just over 80K miles. It was in pretty good shape and we were hoping to wait until the end of the year to buy a new one. Unfortunately, the back window motor went out so the window kept coming down and wouldn't go back up. On Saturday, as we were looking at cars, it rained (hasn't rained all summer) and poor Sarah was getting rain drops on her arm so we knew we had to buy a car this weekend. We decided on the 2010 Toyota Camry because of the 0% financing, it's a good car, and the sales guy is a friend of ours from church so there was no game playing. So while it was an exhausting and expense weekend, it was also exciting.

Below is a picture of Tom's new car. And yes he's old car was silver and his new car is silver.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


This week is going by so fast. It's great having Tom home. He's been taking Sarah to school every morning so she doesn't have to get up as early.

Yesterday, as I was leaving the house, I fell outside the front door. We've lived in this house over 2 years and there have always been 4 steps down to the driveway, nothing has changed. For some reason I just forgot about the stairs, guess I wanted to see if I could fly - NOT. I landed pretty hard on my left knee and rolled onto my right leg. Thank goodness it was dark outside and no one saw it - not a pretty site I'm sure. I have a huge cherry on my left knee and a big knot on my right leg. To add insult to injury - I got it in my head that the knot in my leg was right over one of the veins and I might get a blood clot. So off to the medical clinic I go but it doesn't open until 8AM so I sit in the parking lot for an hour waiting for it to open. The doctor told me that the only time to worry about blood clot from your legs is if it's at the back of your knee or groin area, otherwise all the other veins in your legs are just superficial. But he made me get a tetanus shot since I couldn't remember the last time I had one. My knee is really sore today.

Tom is shopping for a new car, that's what we'll probably do over the labor day weekend. Not my favorite thing to do but he needs one, his car is about 9 years old.

Sarah is doing great in school. She's stated she wants to take french lessons so we are signing her up, well I'm going to call and get more information. The good news is that they have the lessons at school on Wednesday afternoons so I could just pick her up there after work. We'll see but they say it's easier to learn a foreign language at a younger age. I want her to be at least bi-lingual.